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Discussion Groups 


RethinkCare is excited to merge the success of our one-on-one parent consultation model with requests to bring networking and community into our program.

In joining a small discussion group, you can walk away with best practice tips, hear what is working with other parents, and network on navigating similar parenting challenges.

patient portal image

What to Expect

What is the format of the discussion groups? 

They will be led by our clinicians in small groups. Our groups are about 1 hour in length and are done remotely, with participants on camera.  When appropriate, parents will be grouped based on child age and topic. Participants are encouraged to talk and share on camera. While discussion groups are not considered therapy, we ask that all participants treat the information that is shared by other participants as confidential and the information that is shared should not be disclosed outside the group. We note that there can be no guarantee of full confidentiality and therefore participants should make their own assessment regarding the information they disclose within the group.  

How often can I join a parenting group?

As much as you’d like! We offer one-time groups as well as ongoing groups. Group sessions will take place Monday-Friday, generally between the hours of 9am and 8pm Eastern Time. 

If I have one-on-one consultations, can I still join a group?

Yes! One-on-one consultations are helpful to get more personalized strategies and troubleshooting or if you feel more comfortable in a private setting. Our discussion groups provide a more social experience where you can learn from other parents in similar situations as you.

Do I need to enroll in RethinkCare to sign up for a discussion group?

Yes, these groups are for RethinkCare participants. If you are not yet enrolled, please visit Once in the site, click “Find Employer,” enter your employer name, then select “Submit.”

I have additional questions, who do I reach out to?

Please email and a member of our clinical team will follow up. 


Sign Up For An Upcoming Discussion Group in the RethinkCare Platform Here >